How to properly report an issue
If you experienced any kind of problem with extension and require support, you need to properly describe the issue. Otherwise discussion with support may take a while and you will spend a lot more time on solving your problem.
A few things you need to consider before you contact support:
- Be as much precise as possible. Never ever write "doesn't work", "nothing works" etc. - it doesn't make sense to any developer.
- Explain your issue so we can reproduce it. Don't try to record a video - this is very time consuming and often unclear way of demonstration.
- Don't pile all issues in one email, take one or two and describe them. When previous issues are solved, proceed with the next couple.
- Clear your browser cache, your site's cache and any other cache you may remember.
In your report of every issue include the following:
- A brief overview of the issue ("When resizing the browser the cart overlaps the search").
- Steps to reproduce ("Open any page, resize the browser, look for the cart module on top right").
- What happens after performing the steps above ("The shopping cart overlaps the search box").
- Expected result ( "The shopping cart should wrap down below the search box").
- Screenshots, which demonstrate the issue, or link to your site, where issue can be reporduced.
- Additional information: browser and its version, framework and its version, presence of 3rd party processors like VQMod or advanced installers.
Displaying error messages
Sometimes something isn't working properly, but errors are not displayed at all or generic message like Error "500" is displayed. You may also see a blank page, which always means, that there's an error out there.
To display error messages, start with checking your php.ini file and add or uncomment these lines:
display_errors = Off
error_reporting = E_ALL
If this won't help, try the same with .htaccess file:
php_flag display_errors On
php_value error_reporting E_ALL
If you still don't see error messages, this means they're suppressed somewhere on parent level. In this case you need to contact your hosting provider and ask him, how to enable displaying errors.
If none of the steps above helped, you can simply check the error logs. Note, that there might be several error logs depending on your particular setup.