Simple Tracking
This is a simple tracking extension, which allows you to add tracking info (carrier, tracking ID and tracking link) to any order. Customers will be able to track their orders by clinking the link from order history or update email. And it's really simple!
Allows you to add tracking info (carrier, tracking ID etc.) to order history and order update notifications. Comes with dozens of predefined carriers. You can add unlimited number of your own carriers as well. It's really simple! No complex installation or setup, minimum number of options. Just install and start using.
Compatibility: OpenCart 2.0+, 3.0+
Current version: 3.1.0
You can see it working on admin section of our demo site. Go to Sales -> Orders, open any order and you will see tracking options.
Extension's settings can be found in the backend of our demo site (username: demo, password: demo), Modules section.
Frontend DemoBackend Demo
Change Log
- OpenCart 3 Compatibility Fixes extension is not needed anymore. You may remove it.
- ADDED: Tracking info is now added only when new status is from the list of Completed order statuses.
- FIXED: Tracking info wasn't added properly on OC 3.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
General settings
Every option has a hint with short description of what each option does. Below are more detailed explanation:
- License ID - Your corresponding order ID on our site or
- Default Carrier - Selected carrier will be always displayed as selected by default in carriers' list.
- Notify Customer - Tracking info will be automatically added to order update email.
- Comment Template - Entered text will be added to order history comment, when you enter tracking ID.
- Pagination Limit - Number of carriers to display per page under Carriers tab.
- Check Version - Automatic extension's version checking.
- Status - Enable or disable extension.
Adding tracking info
Go to Sale -> Orders page, open any order to view or edit and you will see two additional fields: Carrier and Tracking ID. Select desired carrier, add a tracking ID and click Add History or Save button correspondingly. A new order history entry will be added and its comment automatically filled with the text from Comment Template. If you set Notify Customer to Yes, same comment will be included in order update notification.
modules, opencart