Russian Post Shipping
Adds Russian Post and EMS shipping costs calculation to your store. It works similar to any other shipping module and doesn't require any specific knowledge. All shipping rates are queried from official Russian Post API and always accurate.
Calculates all shipping quotes offered by Russian Post: letter, parcel, packet, domestic or international, standard or expedited (EMS). Follows all Russian Post delivery rules and limitations, including weight and package limits for each method. Full multilingual support, compatible with all 3rd party checkout extensions (Simple, Quick Checkout etc). Unlimited number of shipping methods with different settings can be created from scratch or copied. Keeps your current countries and zones lists intact and tries to build connections with them instead. Tons of options: min and max subtotal, dimensions and volume, cash on delivery, add package weight and fee, and much more.
Compatibility: OpenCart 2.0+, 3.0+
Current version: 3.4.2
Why Russian Post Shipping?
Russian Post Shipping is the most sophisticated extension of its kind. It doesn't mess with your system, doesn't rewrite your country zone lists, but instead makes reliable connections with them. It allows you to create multiple shipping methods (quotes) and limit them by different parameters - minimum and maximum order subtotal, cart quantity, cart weight dimensions or volume. All rates are queried from official Russian Post API and always accurate, no need to update rates by yourself. Easy to setup and adjust calculation of shipping quotes to the needs of your store.
Full list of features
- Unlimited number of shipping methods (quotes) with different settings can be created.
- Follows all Russian Post rules and regulations, including weight and zone limits.
- Different modes of quotes display: all quotes, first match or the cheapest one.
- Comes with customizable country list to connect Russian Post countries to the countries in your store.
- Any delivery type offered by Russian Post can be used: letter, parcel, small packet, EMS etc.
- Every shipping method can be limited by order subtotal, cart quantity or weight, total dimensions or volume.
- Additionally you can limit methods by customer groups and stores, add airmail priority calculation and cash on delivery fee.
- Package weight of fee can be added to every quote to compensate the expenses.
- Free Delivery option for each method separately to encourage customers to buy more.
- You can disable selected payment methods for each shipping method separately.
- Allows you to display additional info for each method - delivery type and delivery terms, including custom handling time.
- Full multilingual support, including shipping method titles.
- Compatible with any checkout extension (Simple, Quick Checkout etc).
- Very well-thought and optimized algorithm provides faster processing and easy improvements.
- Very user friendly interface, no complex calculation formulas.
- Complete lists of countries and zones in English and Russian as a bonus.
Place an order on our demo site (login:, password: demo). Add anything to cart and checkout.
Extension settings can be found in Extensions -> Shipping section on backend of our demo site (username: demo, password: demo).
Change Log
- Minor bug fixes.
- Minor bug fixes.
- OpenCart 3 Compatibility Fixes extension is not needed anymore. You may remove it.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
- Completely reworked UI and functionality on back-end.
- ADDED: Filters to quickly find the desired shipping methods.
- ADDED: Comment Note option to display a short notice above Comment field on checkout.
- ADDED: Subtitle option to display method's subtitle below the title.
- FIXED: Comment Required option is not working properly.
- CHANGED: Default Title option replaced with language variable.
- CHANGED: Add Delivery Terms option replaced with Add Handling Time.
- CHANGED: Removed check for delivery terms.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
- FIXED: Product restrictions are not correctly checked on checkout.
- FIXED: Geo zone settings are not saved.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
- ADDED: New options: Products, Products Filter, Categories and Categories Filter to restrict methods by products.
- Greatly increased API requests processing speed by using multi-threading.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
- ADDED: Russian Post API errors are now displayed on screen as well.
- FIXED: Maximum amount of declared value is not checked.
- ADDED: Hint to click to display countries list for unassigned countries.
- FIXED: Copy Method and Delete Method buttons are not working properly.
- FIXED: Undefined index error, when no methods were added yet.
- OpenCart 3 support added. See the documentation on how to properly install extension!
- Supports new Russian Post API version.
- ADDED: Default Postcode and Default Zone options to use this method as default one (see documentation for more info).
- ADDED: Default Title option to replace any method's title with something generic.
- CHANGED: Add Method button moved to the top right.
- FIXED: Calculation error in rare cases, when weight is not rounded.
- FIXED: New Russian Post countries are not added later, when extension is already installed.
- Improved database queries.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
- New version in absolutely incompatible with previous ones. Uninstall any previous version first!
- Uses Russian Post API to calculate shipping quotes, including EMS. No need to enter rates manually anymore.
- Completely new everything: UI, available options, calculation algorithm and more.
3.0.0 Beta
- New version in absolutely incompatible with previous ones. Uninstall any previous version first!
- Reworked UI with better layout and new options.
- New database table structure with latest rates for all types of domestic and international delivery.
- ADDED: Stores option in General settings to limit extension functionality to selected stores only.
- ADDED: Several new options, which work only for Free Delivery: Order Subtotal, Stores, Customer Groups and Geo Zone.
- ADDED: Shipping rates to Abkhazia.
- FIXED: Shipping cost is not properly calculated for countries, where ground mail is not available.
- FIXED: "Zone not linked" and "Country no linked" errors don't display properly sometimes.
- CHANGED: Order Minimum and Order Maximum options were combined in Order Subtotal option with ranges support.
- CHANGED: Free Minimum option replaced with Free Delivery section under Quotes tab.
- CHANGED: Hide Errors option renamed to Show Errors, its behavior changed to the opposite.
- CHANGED: {fee} tag replaced with {packaging}.
- CHANGED: Country list was reduced. Rates for unlisted countries are defined as Other Countries at the end of the list.
- Automatic country and zone linking now works for English language as well.
- Greatly optimized code and improved feedback.
- A lot of language strings were removed, changed or added.
- Minor bug fixes and lots of improvements.
- FIXED: Some language strings are missing.
- FIXED: Zone names are not populated properly on page load.
- OpenCart 1.5 support completely removed.
- ADDED: Check Version option to turn version checking on/off.
- FIXED: Minor incompatibilities with OpenCart 2.3.
- Minor improvements.
- Updated rates for international parcels (active since 16 May 2016).
- Delivery type names are now assigned to language code instead of ID. You MUST re-name delivery types after update!
- FIXED: Minor incompatibilities with OpenCart 2.2.
- FIXED: International ground small packet is not available for applicable countries.
- Improved, almost fail safe language and currency detection.
- Weight limit for domestic parcels increased to 50 kg.
- When you uninstall extension, all its tables and country/zone links will now be removed as well.
- Slightly optimized SQL files with country/zone data.
- Minor improvements and code optimization.
- Updated Russian Post rates from 1 January 2016.
- Minor improvements.
- Optimized code.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
- FIXED: Select Lowest option not working properly.
- Minor compatibility tweaks.
- ADDED: Follow Weight option in extension settings for more precise package weight limit follow-up.
- Parcel and small packet are now displayed simultaneously for international delivery.
- ADDED: Cheapest Only option in settings to display only the cheapest shipping type.
- ADDED: Fixed Declare option in settings to always apply fixed ("fake") declared value to corresponding shipping types.
- ADDED: Subtitle language string with short description of shipping method to be used in templates.
- FIXED: Free Shipping cost still calculated.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
- Minor bug fixes.
- Updated shipping rates.
- Names of some options has been changed. Update your settings!
- ADDED: Export Rates button to export all rates to CSV-files and move them across sites.
- ADDED: Multilingual support for City of Departure option.
- ADDED: Hide Errors option in settings.
- FIXED: Extension's settings inaccessible, when version information wasn't received.
- FIXED: Cash-on-delivery fee not calculated properly in some cases.
- FIXED: Declared tag processed in non-declared shipping types.
- Shipping types list modified and improved according to new standards.
- Improved setup of countries and zones connections.
- Improved feedback with more messages for better error management.
- Several entries in SQL files with countries and zones were changed or added.
- {insurance} tag replaced with {declared}.
- Removed delivery notice calculation (will be added later).
- A lot of minor improvements and some bug fixes.
- ADDED: Customer Groups option in extension's settings.
- ADDED: Complete countries and zones lists in SQL format in English and Russian languages to replace default values (optional).
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
- Some language string changes and fixes.
- Extension is now fully compatible with OpenCart 2.0.
- Options saving and reading scheme changed. Don't forget to check and restore your settings after upgrade!
- ADDED: Tax class support.
- FIXED: Minor incompatibility with PHP 5.3.
- Russian Post shipping rates updated.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
- Initial release.
Installation instructions
You can install extension using Extension Installer or manually. In the latter case unpack and upload all folders from "upload" directory to the root of your store. If there's install.xml file in the package, rename it to extension_name.ocmod.xml, replacing "extension_name" with extension's name (or any other name), and upload it to "system" folder. When upgrading from previous version simply rewrite all existing files. Refresh modifications cache from Extensions -> Modifications page (not needed if install.xml file is not included in the package).
Note for OpenCart 3 users
If you see "The directory is not allowed to be written to" error message, download OpenCart 3.0 Extension Installer Fix from this page and install it. Then install the main extension.
Note for OpenCart 2.0.X users
Sometimes OCMod inserts modification in multiple files, which are separated by "|" character in XML-file. On earlier OpenCart 2 versions a comma was used instead. To quickly fix this, open XML file (usually, install.xml) and replace all occurrences of "|" character with "," for "path" attribute in every applicable <file> element. Search for "<file path=" to quickly find and highlight all elements.
If after installation you have "Permission denied" issue when accessing Modules, Shipping, Payments, Order Totals (or any other) section of Extensions menu, remove "module", "shipping", "payment", "total" (or any other) folder from "admin/controller/extension" directory. Same for "admin/language/en-gb/extension" directory. For example ("module" should be removed from both paths):
In some cases it is required to manually set permissions for installed extension. To do this go to System -> User Groups, find your group and select access/modify permissions for desired extension. You can find extension in permissions list by folder/filename pair (for example, marketing/acoupon).
Extension Setup
Go to Extensions -> Shipping, find Russian Post, click Install and then setup accordingly. Most things explained right in the hints to each option in settings.
We recommend you to install full countries and zones lists, which come in package. Just import them using PHPMyAdmin or launch SQL commands from .sql files manually and you're good to go. If you do this, most OpenCart countries and zones will be automatically linked with Russian Post countries and zones (available only for Russian language).
General settings
Every option has a hint, which briefly explains, what it does. Below are more detailed explanation for all available options:
- Source Postcode - All shipping quotes will be calculated from provided postcode.
- Display Mode - Currently these modes are available: All Matching Methods, Only First Match and Cheapest Method.
- Handling Time - Your generic handling time in days, which will be added to delivery terms.
- Add Delivery Type - Delivery type will be added to all method titles (e.g.: domestic, expedited etc).
- Add Delivery Terms - Delivery terms will be added to all method titles, when applicable (e.g.: 3-5 days).
- Show Errors - If set to No, this shipping method will not be displayed and no errors will be returned as well.
- Debug - If set to Yes, all responses from Russian Post API will be saved in log file for further debugging.
- Check Version - Checks for new version of extension, when enabled.
- Status - Quickly enable or disable extension
- Sort Order - Position in the list of shipping methods on cart and checkout page.
Method settings
- Tab Name - Any name, which will be used in method's tab only.
- Method Title - Custom method title. Leave empty to use title, provided by Russian Post.
- Delivery Type - Type of delivery: letter, parcel, small packet, EMS etc.
- Available Services - List of services available for selected delivery type.
- Package Type - List of package types for selected delivery type. This field is required, when displayed.
- Cart Quantity - Minimum and maximum total product quantity in the cart (e.g.: 10, 5-15, 10-20 etc).
- Cart Weight - Minimum and maximum total product weight in the cart in default weight class (e.g.: 3, 2-5, 6-10 etc).
- Order Subtotal - Minimum and maximum order subtotal value in default currency (e.g.: 100, 200-350, 500-1000 etc).
- Dimensions Total - Minimum and maximum total product dimension values - length, width, height in default length class (e.g.: 100, 200-400, 500-700 etc).
- Volume Total - Minimum and maximum total products volume (e.g.: 10, 5-15, 10-20 etc).
- Package Weight - Will be added to total weight of products in the cart before calculation. Value must be entered in default weight class.
- Package Fee - Will be added to returned shipping quotes after calculation. Value must be entered in default currency.
- Free Delivery - Order subtotal value in default currency to enable free shipping for this method.
- Comment Required - Force customers to leave order comment, when they select current shipping method.
- Cash on Delivery - Add cash on delivery fee in default currency before calculating shipping quotes.
- Airmail Priority - Tells Russian Post API to calculate and return the quotes for airmail shipping first, if possible.
- Payment Methods - Only selected payment methods will be displayed, when customer selects this shipping method.
- Stores - Shipping method will be available for selected stores only. If none selected, shipping method will be available to all stores.
- Customer Groups - Shipping method will be available for selected customer groups only. If none selected, shipping method will be available to all groups and guests.
- Tax Class - Selected tax class will be applied to shipping costs.
- Geo Zone - Shipping method will be available for geo zone only.
Country list
Under Countries tab you will find a list of countries, returned from Russian Post API. You must connect these countries to corresponding OpenCart countries, otherwise extension won't work.
You can only connect selected countries and leave the rest intact - extension will work for connected countries only. If you don't offer international delivery, you can ignore the country list.