Installation instructions
You can install extension using Extension Installer or manually. In the latter case unpack and upload all folders from "upload" directory to the root of your store. If there's install.xml file in the package, rename it to extension_name.ocmod.xml, replacing "extension_name" with extension's name (or any other name), and upload it to "system" folder. When upgrading from previous version simply rewrite all existing files. Refresh modifications cache from Extensions -> Modifications page (not needed if install.xml file is not included in the package).
Note for OpenCart 3 users
If you see "The directory is not allowed to be written to" error message, download OpenCart 3.0 Extension Installer Fix from this page and install it. Then install the main extension.
Note for OpenCart 2.0.X users
Sometimes OCMod inserts modification in multiple files, which are separated by "|" character in XML-file. On earlier OpenCart 2 versions a comma was used instead. To quickly fix this, open XML file (usually, install.xml) and replace all occurrences of "|" character with "," for "path" attribute in every applicable <file> element. Search for "<file path=" to quickly find and highlight all elements.
If after installation you have "Permission denied" issue when accessing Modules, Shipping, Payments, Order Totals (or any other) section of Extensions menu, remove "module", "shipping", "payment", "total" (or any other) folder from "admin/controller/extension" directory. Same for "admin/language/en-gb/extension" directory. For example ("module" should be removed from both paths):
In some cases it is required to manually set permissions for installed extension. To do this go to System -> User Groups, find your group and select access/modify permissions for desired extension. You can find extension in permissions list by folder/filename pair (for example, marketing/acoupon).
Extension Setup
Go to Extensions -> Order Totals, click Edit near Reference Program extension and setup accordingly.
Sharing Setup
You can set any number of sharing links. You only need to know the right link for desired social network and have Font Awesome loaded with your template.
All fields for each link must be properly set to ensure smooth and faultless sharing. Icon names for every social network can be taken right from Font Awesome icons list. If you don't see the icon for desired social network, simply select the closest one.
You can use tags in sharing links wrapped in double hashes (##tag##): reference - customer's reference ID; link - shared link (store URL); title - shared title; message - shared message; name - shared (store) name; image - shared image (store logo). reference and name tags are also available for shared title and message.
NOTE: The amount of information you can define in link solely depends on network. For some networks (e.g.: Facebook or Google) you can only share URL, but shared text (title, caption etc.) must be entered by user himself. We recommend to clarify this for your customers in help section.
Below are a few link examples for most popular social networks:
Icon: twitter
Color: #00acee
Predefined info: URL, store name, shared text
Icon: facebook
Color: #3b5998
Predefined info: URL
Icon: google-plus
Color: #bb0000
Predefined info: URL
Icon: envelope-o
Color: #38af4b
Link: mailto:?subject=##title##&body=##message##
Predefined info: URL, shared title, shared text
More examples can be found on our demo site, in Reference Program settings.
Disclaimer: We provide only sharing functionality and guarantee, that it works properly. Link examples are NOT part of the purchase and thus not supported. If you're not satisfied with provided link example, you're welcome to use your own. To find a link format, search by "XXX share link" key phrase, where XXX - name of the desired network.
Additional information
- Be careful with "Round by" feature. Setting it to wrong number will cause improper counting of discounts.
- If you want fee or discount to be applied to total sum, including shipping, voucher and all other possible fees and discounts, set "Sort order" option higher than any of them.
- If you enable Reference Program for guests, be aware, that most checks will be ignored. Guests will be able to apply ANY reference ID, including their own, if they're just not logged!