Order Manager
Order Manager is a HUGE improvement to your dashboard. It adds a stand alone module, which displays orders list with additional columns, buttons and actions. It allows you to manage orders right from the dashboard without going anywhere else!
Adds responsive good looking order managing module with rich functionality to your store dashboard. You can print invoices, change order statuses, delete or create new orders right from the dashboard in one click. Advanced sorting and filtering, which follows all possible rules and restrictions from extension settings. Allows to change order status with comment for multiple orders, which greatly improves order management. Can be added to dashboard, Sales -> Orders page or both. You can even minimize it and use only occasionally. A lot of options to adjust module layout to your needs: hide or display buttons and columns, define colors etc.
Compatibility: OpenCart 2.0+, 3.0+
Current version: 3.1.0
Why Order Manager?
Default OpenCart order list comes with a very few options and doesn't allow you to manage orders in a fast and effective way. Order Manager solves this problem and gives you more control over your orders. You can change order status for multiple orders at once or delete several orders in once click. Rich filtering system allows you to find any order by any possible parameter in a matter of seconds. You can list only processing orders, display list of missing ones, highlight certain shipping or payment methods and much, much more.
To see Order Manager demo click the button below (username: demo, password: demo). You will find it displayed on dashboard and in Modules section.
Change Log
- OpenCart 3 Compatibility Fixes extension is not needed anymore. You may remove it.
- All files and options renamed. You must remove the previous version before upgrade!
- ADDED: Minimized and maximized state for filters and global container is now remembered.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
- ADDED: Show Warnings option to display broken API responses in case of any issues.
- Added multi threading to API requests, which improves the speed of Add History and Delete operations.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
- FIXED: Order statuses weren't displayed properly in some cases.
- CHANGED: Name Format option now works everywhere.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
- A major update. Open extension settings, update and save them first!
- ADDED: OpenCart 3 compatibility. See the documentation for more info.
- ADDED: Position option to display Order Manager on Dashboard, Orders page or both.
- ADDED: Support for multiple dates and date ranges.
- ADDED: Filters option to customize Filters section.
- FIXED: Filtering by dates doesn't work properly sometimes.
- CHANGED: Notice moved below header and made dismissible.
- CHANGED: Edit Customer button moved in address info section.
- CHANGED: Start Minimized option now have two modes: "Everything" and "Filters only".
- CHANGED: Order comment moved to Comment column.
- CHANGED: Hide Dashboard option removed.
- CHANGED: Short Notice option moved to More tab.
- CHANGED: Tracking Field option now supports different tables. See documentation for more info.
- Improved, more mobile friendly interface with better Bootstrap support.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
- Slightly tweaked UI and option descriptions.
- Minor improvements.
- ADDED: Stores option to limit extension's functionality to selected stores.
- Minor improvements.
- FIXED: "Undefined variable: minimized", when orders list is empty.
- FIXED: Various minor issues related to tracking field.
- FIXED: Add Information tooltip toggles order statuses dropdown menu on focus.
- ADDED: Start Minimized option in settings to start order manager minimized on dashboard load.
- ADDED: Status can now be selected for multiple orders at once: just check several orders and select new status in one of them.
- Minor code optimization.
- ADDED: Current order status comment (history tooltip).
- ADDED: Tracking Field option to define field in 'order' table, where tracking numbers are stored.
- FIXED: Order status remains hidden, when order statuses dropdown list is opened and ESC key hit.
- FIXED: Product tooltip is not properly positioned in some cases.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
- FIXED: Products list is hidden, if no product info selected for tooltip.
- FIXED: Improper initialization of Tax class on OpenCart 2.2 and higher.
- FIXED: Order status filtering is not maintained for missing orders.
- Improved responsiveness of orders table.
- Improved tooltip positioning and layout.
- Minor improvements.
- Settings divided into several tabs: General, Elements and More.
- ADDED: Tooltip for order products with additional information.
- ADDED: Tooltip settings for order comment and products.
- ADDED: Multilingual support for short notice option.
- Minor layout improvements.
- Improved API requests. Should now work flawlessly on all OpenCart 2.0 versions.
- Extension now automatically adds any possible IP-address (local, remote, server) to avoid IP permission access errors.
- ADDED: Troubleshooting section to disable some checks as a workaround for most common issues.
- FIXED: Undefined SERVER_ADDR index issue on Windows servers.
- Minor improvements and bug fixes.
- FIXED: Filtering by subtotal is not working properly.
- FIXED: Color value is not properly checked in order status, shipping and payment method lists.
- Orders list is now filtered by shipping and payment methods as well. Check your settings after upgrade!
- ADDED: You can now select active payment and shipping methods similar to order statuses.
- ADDED: New Settings button with a link to extension's settings page.
- ADDED: Link to Order Manager in menu (Sales section).
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
- OpenCart 1.5 support completely removed.
- FIXED: Minor incompatibilities with OpenCart 2.2 and 2.3.
- Code optimization, minor improvements and bug fixes.
- FIXED: API access error returned after editing some orders.
- Minor improvements.
- FIXED: Pagination doesn't maintain custom limit.
- FIXED: Session is not cleared from previous API errors,
- When you click to edit customer or order from Order Manager, you'll now be returned to dashboard on save or cancel.
- Improved communication with OpenCart API: it is now faster and more stable.
- Minor optimization and improvements.
- ADDED: Subtotal column in orders list with filtering option.
- Minor improvements.
- FIXED: Minor OpenCart 2.1 compatibility issues.
- FIXED: API login error message is not properly displayed on all OpenCart 2.0 versions.
- ADDED: Information window can now be closed with Ctrl + Enter from Comment Text field or with Enter from Tracking Number field.
- ADDED: Toggle List button to collapse or expand orders list.
- FIXED: Mode switcher not displayed, when orders list is empty in Custom mode.
- Minor layout adjustments.
- Extension now compatible with OpenCart 2.1.
- ADDED: Add IPs option in extension's settings to automatically add IP-addresses for your current API (OpenCart 2.1+).
- Improved the speed of all API requests.
- ADDED: Improved search in Customer and Recipient fields: by name, country, zone, store name, postcode etc.
- ADDED: {store} tag in address format to display order store name.
- FIXED: Filtering by several parameters gives wrong results sometimes.
- FIXED: Pagination in Full mode doesn't work properly.
- Minor improvements.
- ADDED: Display Mode option in settings to switch between Full and Custom display modes.
- ADDED: Display Mode select field in orders list to quickly switch between modes.
- FIXED: Pagination is not displayed, when filtering orders by product.
- FIXED: Selected filters are not passed properly in multiple situations (status change, order delete, etc).
- FIXED: HTML in address format not displayed correctly.
- Minor bug fixes.
- ADDED: Customer's email in payment and shipping addresses.
- ADDED: Address Format option in extension's settings.
- Removed Telephone column to save space. Phone number moved to address.
- Improved database query, which increases speed and stability in stores with large number of orders.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
- ADDED: Close button for order history tooltip.
- FIXED: Filtering list of shipping methods doesn't display all available methods.
- Improved order filtering.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
- Minor bug fixes.
- Extension is now fully compatible with OpenCart 2.0.
- Active Orders renamed to Order Manager and now is a module, not VQMod only. You need to setup it again (see the documentation below).
- ADDED: Option in settings to colorize shipping and payment methods.
- ADDED: Option in settings to choose number of orders per page separately from global settings.
- ADDED: Option in settings to hide dashboard and leave only Order Manager module.
- ADDED: Stand alone pagination with additional input field to limit number of orders per page.
- ADDED: Button to collapse/expand all products and addresses.
- ADDED: Filter fields for all columns (when applicable).
- ADDED: Customer column with expandable payment address.
- ADDED: Create and Delete buttons to create or delete selected orders.
- ADDED: Invoice button to print invoices for selected orders.
- ADDED: History button to quickly change status (add history) for selected orders.
- CHANGED: Company column removed to save space. Payment and shipping company names moved to corresponding addresses.
- CHANGED: Old Customer column renamed to Recipient and contains shipping address only.
- CHANGED: Comment (Note) column removed to save space. Show Comment button moved to Products column.
- Completely remodeled and greatly improved layout, which looks exactly the same in all OpenCart versions.
- Improved sorting and filtering.
- A lot of minor improvements and bug fixes.
- ADDED: Name format option in settings.
- FIXED: Minor VQMod error in old Opencart versions.
- ADDED: Company column.
- ADDED: Default sorting column and order.
- ADDED: Sorting by all columns except Comment.
- Complete remodeling of the previous version.
- Active statuses can be selected and colorized in store settings.
- All columns now can be easily turned on/off.
- Products now also have their options displayed along with quantity.
Installation instructions
You can install extension using Extension Installer or manually. In the latter case unpack and upload all folders from "upload" directory to the root of your store. If there's install.xml file in the package, rename it to extension_name.ocmod.xml, replacing "extension_name" with extension's name (or any other name), and upload it to "system" folder. When upgrading from previous version simply rewrite all existing files. Refresh modifications cache from Extensions -> Modifications page (not needed if install.xml file is not included in the package).
Note for OpenCart 3 users
If you see "The directory is not allowed to be written to" error message, download OpenCart 3.0 Extension Installer Fix from this page and install it. Then install the main extension.
Note for OpenCart 2.0.X users
Sometimes OCMod inserts modification in multiple files, which are separated by "|" character in XML-file. On earlier OpenCart 2 versions a comma was used instead. To quickly fix this, open XML file (usually, install.xml) and replace all occurrences of "|" character with "," for "path" attribute in every applicable <file> element. Search for "<file path=" to quickly find and highlight all elements.
If after installation you have "Permission denied" issue when accessing Modules, Shipping, Payments, Order Totals (or any other) section of Extensions menu, remove "module", "shipping", "payment", "total" (or any other) folder from "admin/controller/extension" directory. Same for "admin/language/en-gb/extension" directory. For example ("module" should be removed from both paths):
In some cases it is required to manually set permissions for installed extension. To do this go to System -> User Groups, find your group and select access/modify permissions for desired extension. You can find extension in permissions list by folder/filename pair (for example, marketing/acoupon).
Extension Setup
Go to System -> Users -> User Groups and give a desired group permissions to access and modify "module/manager" and "dashboard/manager". Then visit Extensions -> Modules page and setup Order Manager according to your needs.
How to use
Order Manager is an advanced (and prettier!) version of standard Sales -> Orders page with extra features and faster management. It can display only selected columns and orders with selected statuses, hide unwanted buttons and has advanced filtering system. You can search your order database virtually by any parameter, including product's name and payment or shipping method. And when necessary, you can switch to Full mode, which displays all available orders, including missing ones.
Order Manager comes with several actions: printing invoices, changing order status, delete orders etc. To quickly change order status without going to View Order page enable Status column in extension settings. Then open Order Manager and click Change Status button to the left of order status name. From the list of statuses choose a new one, add comment (if needed), check if order is selected on the left and click Add History button.
Other actions are pretty self-explanatory. Use them as you wish.
Using filters
Most filters are used as is. Enable desired filters and then simply enter keywords or part of the text you're looking for.
Date Added and Date Modified filters support multiple dates and date ranges. To search for multiple dates use comma as separator:
To search for a date range use double hyphen between two dates:
Using placeholders
There're two columns in Order Manager, which have customizable data display format: Customer and Recipient. You can display any data you want in any format you want, using simple placeholders:
- {name} — Customer or recipient first name and last name combined.
- {store} — Current order store name.
- {company} — Payment (customer) or shipping (recipient) company name.
- {telephone} — Customer's telephone number.
- {email} — Customer's email address
- {address} — Payment (customer) or shipping (recipient) address.
- {country} — Payment (customer) or shipping (recipient) country name.
- {city} — Payment (customer) or shipping (recipient) city name.
- {zone} — Payment (customer) or shipping (recipient) zone name.
- {postcode} — Payment (customer) or shipping (recipient) postcode.
Any placeholders can be removed, if you don't want them, any additional text can be added. For example, you can display recipient's data the following way:
{name} {company} Country: {country} State: {zone} Tel.: {telephone} |
John Doe |
Adding tracking number
You can add a tracking number, when you change order status. First you need to add a tracking field name in Tracking Field option in extension settings. If tracking number is saved right into "order" table, you can add only tracking field name (e.g.: tracking_number). If tracking number is saved in different database table, use standard "table.field" SQL pair (e.g.: mytable.tracking_number).
If you did everything right, additional field should be displayed in history comment popup. Select new status for desired order, enter tracking number and click Add History button. Tracking number will be saved in given table and field.
NOTE: Tracking number can only be taken or updated, if your tracking table has simple structure and contains "order_id" field. Multiple tracking numbers are not supported!