Installation instructions
You can install extension using Extension Installer or manually. In the latter case unpack and upload all folders from "upload" directory to the root of your store. If there's install.xml file in the package, rename it to extension_name.ocmod.xml, replacing "extension_name" with extension's name (or any other name), and upload it to "system" folder. When upgrading from previous version simply rewrite all existing files. Refresh modifications cache from Extensions -> Modifications page (not needed if install.xml file is not included in the package).
Note for OpenCart 3 users
If you see "The directory is not allowed to be written to" error message, download OpenCart 3.0 Extension Installer Fix from this page and install it. Then install the main extension.
Note for OpenCart 2.0.X users
Sometimes OCMod inserts modification in multiple files, which are separated by "|" character in XML-file. On earlier OpenCart 2 versions a comma was used instead. To quickly fix this, open XML file (usually, install.xml) and replace all occurrences of "|" character with "," for "path" attribute in every applicable <file> element. Search for "<file path=" to quickly find and highlight all elements.
If after installation you have "Permission denied" issue when accessing Modules, Shipping, Payments, Order Totals (or any other) section of Extensions menu, remove "module", "shipping", "payment", "total" (or any other) folder from "admin/controller/extension" directory. Same for "admin/language/en-gb/extension" directory. For example ("module" should be removed from both paths):
In some cases it is required to manually set permissions for installed extension. To do this go to System -> User Groups, find your group and select access/modify permissions for desired extension. You can find extension in permissions list by folder/filename pair (for example, marketing/acoupon).
Extension Setup
Go to Marketing -> Advanced Coupons, setup accordingly and edit your coupons or create new ones.
How it works
Advanced Coupons not simply replaces default Coupons extension, buе instead creates some kind of symbiosis. You can safely turn off or uninstall Advanced Coupons and all your existing coupons will remain with all the default options. Additional options allow you to fine tune every coupon: make it available to selected stores only, define discount cap and cart quantity, include or exclude products from coupon and much, much more.
General settings
Besides per coupon settings, Advanced Coupons has a bunch of options, which affect extension's functionality on global scale.
- Filters - Only selected filters will be displayed in coupons list. If none selected, all filters will be available.
- Columns - Only selected columns will be displayed in coupons list. If none selected, all columns will be available.
- Pagination Limit - Number of coupons to display in the list (if empty, default store value will be used).
- Add Name to Title - Coupon name will be added to coupon order total title.
- Add Code to Title - Coupon code will be added to coupon order total title.
- Add Value to Title - Discount value will be added to coupon order total title (for Percentage type only).
- Hide Total - Coupon order total will not be displayed and it's value will be added to selected order total.
- Total to Add - When Hide Total is enabled, coupon discount will be added to selected order total.
- Add Info to Total - Additional information about coupon discount will be added to selected order total.
- Discounts Inactive With - Coupon will not be available, if selected order total, shipping or payment method is active.
- Check Version - Automatically checks for new extension's version. Disable, if page is loading too slow.
- Status - Quickly turn on/off Advanced Coupons extension.
Batch processing
In addition to rich filtering system, Advanced Coupons allow you to batch process coupons. You can simply select desired coupons and click Copy, Toggle (enable or disable) or Delete buttons to the top right.
Coupon options
Each coupon has various settings. By adjusting these options you can create coupons to meet very specific conditions. Below are the short descriptions of every available option:
- Coupon Name - Any name you want.
- Code - A distinctive code, which customer should enter to get a discount (e.g.: discount50, xmaxOFF etc).
- Type - Type of the discount: percentage from subtotal or fixed amount.
- Discount - Actual discount value (e.g.: 10, 5% etc).
- Discount Cap - Maximum discount amount for Percentage type (e.g.: 100, 150 etc).
- Order Subtotal - Single value or Range of minimum and maximum values, when coupon becomes available (e.g.: 100, 100-150 etc).
- Cart Quantity - Cart quantity rule to match: less, less or equal, more, more or equal than total products or each product in the cart.
- In-Stock Only - Discount will be calculated for in-stock products only (stock quantity above zero). Option quantity is NOT checked, only product!
- Customer Login - Customer must login before applying coupon.
- Free Shipping - Offer free shipping with coupon.
- Products Action - How to process the list of products:
- Do nothing - Don't process products at all.
- Include ANY selected - Apply coupon to selected products, if ANY selected product is present in the cart.
- Include ALL selected - Apply coupon to selected products, only if ALL selected products are present in the cart.
- Exclude selected - Do not apply coupon to selected products.
- Products - List of products to apply or not apply coupon, depending on Products Action value.
- Categories Action - How to process the list of categories:
- Do nothing - Don't process categories at all.
- Include ANY selected - Apply coupon to products from selected categories, if ANY selected category is present in the cart.
- Include ALL selected - Apply coupon to products from selected categories, only if ALL selected categories are present in the cart.
- Exclude selected - Do not apply coupon to selected categories.
- Categories - List of categories to apply or not apply coupon, depending on Categories Action value.
- Manufacturers Action - How to process the list of manufacturers:
- Do nothing - Don't process manufacturers at all.
- Include ANY selected - Apply coupon to products from selected manufacturers, if ANY selected manufacturer is present in the cart.
- Include ALL selected - Apply coupon to products from selected manufacturers, only if ALL selected manufacturers are present in the cart.
- Exclude selected - Do not apply coupon to selected manufacturers.
- Manufacturers - List of manufacturers to apply or not apply coupon, depending on Manufacturers Action value.
- Customers Action - How to process the list of customers:
- Do nothing - Don't process customers at all.
- Include ANY selected - Apply coupon to selected customers only.
- Exclude selected - Do not apply coupon to selected customers.
- Customers - List of customers to apply or not apply coupon, depending on Customers Action value.
- Date Start - Date, when coupon becomes available.
- Date End - Date, when coupon becomes unavailable.
- Uses Per Coupon - How many times coupon can be used in total.
- Uses Per Customer - How many times a single customer can use this coupon.
- Product Discounts - How to apply coupon, if cart contains products with discounts:
- Apply to all (any price) - Apply to all products, their current price.
- Apply to all (regular price) - Apply to all products, but to their regular price.
- Apply to regular only - Apply to products with regular price only.
- Do not apply - Never apply, if cart contains discounted products.
- Product Specials - How to apply coupon, if cart contains products with special prices. Options are the same as for discounts.
- Customer Groups - Coupon will be available for selected customer groups only (empty - all groups and guests)
- Stores - Coupon will be available for selected stores only (empty - all stores)
- Geo Zones - Coupon will be available for selected geo zone only.
- Status - Enables or disables coupon.