Social Login
Neat and easy to use component, which allows your users to login using their accounts in social networks: Facebook, Twitter, Google, Instagram etc. Lot of options to suit all your possible needs, including community extensions support and syncing.
19 social networks to login and merge existing Joomla account with. More can be added by request. No monthly fees. No user limits. Does not depend on any library. It just works the way you expect it to! User social connections stored in database, which allows your visitors to quickly login from any location. Can completely replace standard registration, reset password and login pages with simplified more user friendly ones. Supports social components like JomSocial, CommunityBuilder, EasySocial, Kunena etc. More can be added by request. Absolutely fault safe from any popup blockers or tabbed windows. The most stable social login component on the market.
Compatibility: Joomla 3.0+
Current version: 4.2.2
Why Social Login?
There're lots of extensions like Social Login today, but they often have ridiculous limitations. Usually you're allowed to have only small number of connections for free and the rest is billed monthly. There're other limitations as well, including providers and layout customization. Social Login doesn't have any limitations and can be customized any way you like. It also doesn't depend on any external library and works with every network's API directly, which greatly increases stability and control.
Available networks: Facebook, Twitter, Google, Yahoo, PayPal, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Instagram, Vimeo, GitHub, WordPress, Foursquare, Reddit, Dribbble, Steam, VKontakte,, Yandex, Odnoklassniki.
Full list of features
- 19 networks to login with (more can be added).
- No monthly fees or user limitations, everything is unlimited.
- Does not depend on any 3rd party library, works directly with social network APIs.
- All connections are saved in database for every user for quick login from any location.
- Can be used as a full replacement for registration, reset password and login pages.
- Comes with redirection plugin, which redirects registration, reset, remind and login requests from 3rd party components.
- Allows to allow or disallow password reset for selected groups.
- Supports social components like JomSocial, CommunityBuilder, Kunena etc (more can be added).
- Silent more for seamless authorization and registration without any interruptions.
- Has its own email address generator, which can be useful in some cases.
- Absolutely fail safe smooth workflow. The most stable in the market!
- Very easy to use, when you setup everything properly.
You can find social networks icons on the top of any page of our site. Don't be shy, click any icon you like and test it!
To see the backend demo of click the button below and login (username: demo, password: demo).
Available Plugins
All plugins require an active Smart Shoutbox license. If you have an active license, please, login to buy or download the desired plugin.
Redirect Plugin
Redirects login, reset, remind, register and profile requests from different component to Social Login.
Current version: 4.2.2
User Plugin
Adds support for various user events to automatically manage social network connections.
Current version: 4.2.2
Change Log
- ADDED: Scope option for some social networks to manually select requested data scope.
- FIXED: Scope for Google and Github is outdated.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
- System files were changed. Update all plugins after extension upgrade!
- ADDED: Random Email option to generate random email address, when Silent Mode is enabled and no email provided.
- ADDED: Reset Groups and Reset Action options to allow or disallow to reset password for selected user groups.
- ADDED: K2 users support as profile info provider.
- FIXED: Gravatar not displayed in the list of profile providers.
- FIXED: Logout button doesn't work properly.
- FIXED: "Empty string passed to getElementById()" warning in admin.
- CHANGED: Date Format option removed, all date formatting moved to language files.
- Improved cookie management for more smooth and reliable workflow.
- Slightly improved admin interface.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
- ADDED: New network: Steam.
- FIXED: Reset Options button is not working properly.
- FIXED: Date is not properly formatted for some formats.
- FIXED: Wrong redirection, when user logs in directly from Login page.
- Redirection plugin now keeps originally requested page from 3rd party component and redirects to this page.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
- ADDED: New networks: Dribbble, Reddit and Vimeo.
- ADDED: Mode option in module settings to select between login, register or reset functionality.
- ADDED: License ID field in settings.
- ADDED: Support for meta data in Smart Mailer menu items.
- ADDED: Support for Joomla Update System.
- ADDED: User plugin to automatically manage connections on various user events.
- CHANGED: Networks are nor can be sorted by drag and drop right from General options tab. Sort Order option for every network removed.
- CHANGED: Page notes (login, profile etc.) moved to menu item settings.
- CHANGED: Buttons now use generic Bootstrap button classes: btn-primary, btn-secondary etc.
- CHANGED: Check Email option removed, email address is now always checked for presence in database.
- CHANGED: When user chooses to create account, he is now always asked to enter new or submit existing email.
- CHANGED: Users can now also user email to merge account with selected social network.
- Reworked admin UI with new homepage, increased stability and optimized code.
- Some language strings removed, changed or added.
- A lot of minor improvements and bug fixes.
- FIXED: Fatal error with getProfile() function in Twitter login.
- FIXED: Reset Password link is not working in standard login form.
- ADDED: New networks: GitHub, WordPress and Foursquare. 15 networks in total!
- ADDED: Reset Form option to select standard or simple (skip username remind) password reset form.
- ADDED: Reset Password page with simplified form and custom HTML email.
- ADDED: Reset Note option to display custom note on Password Reset page.
- ADDED: Reset Requests option in redirection plugin to redirect all password reset requests to Social Login.
- FIXED: Wrong links to Social Login pages on front-end, when SEF URLs enabled.
- FIXED: Authorization error messages from authentication plugins are not displayed.
- Redirection plugin removed from the main package. You need to manually download it from Social Login homepage.
- Week days and months in date format now follow site's language.
- Slightly improved admin interface.
- Minor improvements and code optimization.
Our Social Authorization extension not only changed its name to Social Login, but was also completely reworked. We did so many changes, that decided to list only most important ones. Not much left of version 3.0, so you may safely uninstall it and move to 4.0. We hope, you'll enjoy it!
New version is much more flexible in terms of upgrade. We plan to continue its development further and add more features:
- List of connected networks and their settings on profile page.
- Syncing options for user profiles.
- Custom registration form with selectable fields.
- More networks!
- MAJOR UPDATE: Extension was completely reworked and optimized with increased security and stability.
- Extension renamed to Social Login. Previous version must be uninstalled!
- New admin UI. Check and update your options after upgrade!
- New modern looking template on front-end.
- Joomla 2.5 support removed. Please, upgrade your Joomla to latest version.
- ADDED: 4 new networks: PayPal, Yahoo, Pinterest and Yandex.
- ADDED: Redirection plugin to redirect users from standard Joomla login and view profile pages to Social Login.
- Extension updated to the latest API versions for each network.
- You can now select community extension and get profile info from it, when user logs in normally.
- Improved functionality, when multiple Social Login modules is used on the same page.
- Improved compatibility with SSL-enabled sites.
- Improved feedback with more detailed error messages.
- Milestone reached: Absolutely new extension concept. Now it's not just module, but a component with new features and extra networks.
- Milestone reached: Greatly improved and modified version.
- Initial release of Social Login extension as a module under name Social Authorization.
Go to Extensions -> Manage -> Install page, upload distribution package you've previously downloaded and click Install. Before you enable extension you must setup it first.
For plugins: Go to Extensions -> Plugins, find the desired plugin and open its settings. Setup accordingly and only then enable.
For modules: Go to Extensions -> Modules, find the desired module and open its settings. Setup accordingly and only then enable.
For components: Hover your mouse over Components menu item, find the desired component and go to Options page. Setup everything accordingly and don't forget to check Permissions tab.
License ID: Enter anything in License ID field, if it is present in extension options.
Network Setup
Go to Facebook developers page, click "Apps" button at the top and choose "Create a New App" menu item. Enter application name, choose category and click "Continue". In application settings click "Add platform", choose "Website" and enter your site URL. On the same page enter your domain as App Domains and enter your Contact Email. Go to Advanced tab, enable Client OAuth Login and add the following URL into Valid OAuth Redirect URIs field (replace "" with your domain name and "forum" with community folder, if any):
Save application, then go to App Review and make your application public. Now get App ID and App Secret on Dashboard page and enter them in corresponding fields in component settings. Enable Facebook login.
NOTE: You MUST submit your application for review otherwise Facebook login might not work properly. You have to ask Facebook to grant you the following permissions: "user_gender", "user_birthday", "user_location", "user_hometown". This can be done from App Review tab on app settings page.
Go to Twitter developers page and create new application. Enter application name, description, put your site address as Website and the following Callback URL:
Now take Consumer Key and Consumer Secret and enter them in corresponding fields in component settings. Enable Twitter login.
Go to Google developers page and create new project, enter its name and save. Now choose project, click "APIs & auth", choose "APIs" tab from the dropdown menu and turn on "Google+ API". Then choose "Credentials" tab, click "Create new client ID" button and choose "Web application" as type. Put your site URL in "Authorized JavaScript origins" field and the following URL in "Authorized redirect URI":
Now get Client ID and Client Secret and enter them in corresponding fields in component settings. Enable Google login.
Go to Yahoo developers page and create new application. Select Web Aplication as type, enter application name and use your site's domain as callback domain. In API Permissions section check Profiles and select Read/White Public and Private. Click Create App button and on the next page get Client ID and Client secret and enter them in corresponding fields in component settings. Enable Yahoo login.
Go to Paypal developers page and create new application. Enter application name, select Sandbox Developer Account and click Create App button. On the next page click Live at the top and add the following URL into Return URL field (replace "" with your domain name and "forum" with community folder, if any):
In the list of App Feature Options select Login with PayPal and deselect everything else. Click Advanced Options to the right and select all items in Information Requested from Customers section. Enter Privacy Policy URL and License Agreement URL (both required). Click Save button, on the same page get Client ID and Secret and enter them in corresponding fields in component settings. Enable PayPal login.
Go to Pinterest developers page and create new application. Enter application name and description. On the next page enter your site address in Site URL field and add the following URL into Redirect URIs field (replace "" with your domain name and "forum" with community folder, if any):
Click Save button, on the same page get App ID and App Secret and enter them in corresponding fields in component settings. Enable Pinterest login.
NOTE: You MUST test Pinterest application first and then submit it to review. It will only be available to you and your collaborators until approved by Pinterest.
Go to LinkedIn developers page and create application. Fill the bunch of info according to your liking and put this as OAuth 2.0 "Authorized Redirect URIs":
Save application and look for Authentication Keys. Grab API Key and Secret Key on application page and enter them in corresponding fields in component settings. Enable LinkedIn login.
Go to Instagram developers page, click "Register a New Client" button and fill out the form. Enter application name, site address and put this as OAuth redirect_uri:
Save app, take Client ID and Client Secret and enter them in corresponding fields in component settings. Enable Instagram login.
Go to GitHub developers page and create application. Fill the form and put this as "Authorization callback URL":
Save app, take Client ID and Client Secret and enter them in corresponding fields in component settings. Enable GitHub login.
Go to WordPress developers page and create application. Fill the form and put this as "Redirect URL":
Save app, take Client ID and Client Secret and enter them in corresponding fields in component settings. Enable WordPress login.
Go to Dribbble developers page and create application. Fill the form and put this as "Redirect URL":
Save app, take Client ID and Client Secret and enter them in corresponding fields in component settings. Enable Dribbble login.
Go to Foursquare developers page and create application. Fill the form and put this as "Redirect URI(s)":
Save app, take Client ID and Client Secret and enter them in corresponding fields in component settings. Enable Foursquare login.
Go to VKontakte developers page and create new application. Choose Web-Site as type, enter name, site address and base domain. On the next page get Application ID and Secret Key and enter them in corresponding fields in component settings. Enable VKontakte login.
Go to developers page and create new site (not application). Enter name and site address and click Continue. On the next page download receiver.html file, put it to and click Continue. Now get Application ID, Private Key and Secret Key and enter them in corresponding fields in component settings. Enable login.
Go to Yandex developers page and create new application. Enter application name and other info (optional). In the list of permissions click Yandex.Passport API and check all items. Add the following URL into Callback URL field:
Click Save button and on the next page get App ID and App Password and enter them in corresponding fields in component settings. Enable Yandex login.
Go to Odnoklassniki developers page, register as a developer and wait until you request is approved. Now go to your applications page (Games ->My Uploaded Games) and click "Add App", choose "External application" and fill the form completely (including image links!). Add the following URL in the "List of permitted redirect_uri":
Save application. You'll receive email shortly (never EVER delete it, because there's no way to get application data any other way!). Get Application ID, Public Key and Secret Key from email and enter them in corresponding fields in component settings. Enable Odnoklassniki login.
NOTE: If you want to get user email from Odnoklassniki, you must request GET_EMAIL permission from their support. Write email to, provide information about your application and maybe they will give you access to GET_EMAIL permission, which will simplify registration process for your visitors.
Additional info
If you've done everything right, you'll be able to login via any listed network without any problems. However, note the following:
- Check your redirect URL in application's setting. It MUST match your site's domain and protocol (HTTP or HTTPS).
- You MUST set $live_site variable in your Joomla configuration.php file, otherwise you'll get wrong redirect URLs.
- Note, that URL with and without www means A LOT for most networks and their applications.
- If something doesn't work, triple check your extension and applications settings and permissions.
- This extension may stop to work, if network developers will change something in their API. In this case, wait for the next update.