IPS Community Suite Recent Topics
Fully customizable module, which displays recent topics from your IPS Community Suite (IP Board) based forum in Joomla. Works perfectly with all versions of IPS CS 4 and has a lot of options to play with.
Displays list of recently updated or created forum topics, follows default forum layout, keeping all colors and functionality. Three different layouts: standard, native and compact. SEF URLs to topics, posts, profiles and tags. Tons of options: exclude or include forums, set number of topics and number of characters, hide closed and more.
Compatibility: Joomla 3.0+, IPS Community Suite 4.0+
Current version: 3.0.7
You can see the working module on the homepage of our site. It uses native forum layout.
To see the backend demo of click the button below and login (username: demo, password: demo).
Backend Demo
Change Log
- ADDED: Open Links option to open all links in the same or new window/tab.
- FIXED: SVG avatars are not displayed correctly.
- ADDED: Module collapsed state is kept in cookies and restore on page display (works per each module instance separately).
- CHANGED: Date Format option removed, all date formatting moved to language files.
- CHANGED: Display Above option renamed to Notice and now displayed as a rich editor.
- CHANGED: Display Below option completely removed.
- FIXED: Queued and hidden posts are displayed in the list.
- Minor query improvements.
- FIXED: Link to Gravatar is not HTTPS.
- FIXED: Update check link is outdated.
- Extension renamed to IPS Community Suite Recent Topics, file name changed. Remove old version before upgrade!
- ADDED: License check.
- ADDED: Support for Joomla Update system.
- FIXED: Path to default avatar is wrong on latest IPS CS versions.
- FIXED: Forum, topic, post and author name lengths do not follow settings due to wrong field names.
- FIXED: Selected forum filter is not working properly due to wrong field name.
- FIXED: Avatar is not displayed, if link to image is external.
- Joomla 2.5 and IP.Board 3.0 support completely removed.
- Some options were removed, changed or added. Update your settings after install!
- Completely reworked mobile friendly template.
- ADDED: Three different layouts to choose from: standard (legacy), native or compact.
- ADDED: Topic tags support in native layout.
- Some language strings removed, changed or added.
- A lot of minor improvements and code optimization.
- Greatly improved module with support of latest IP.Board version.
Go to Extensions -> Manage -> Install page, upload distribution package you've previously downloaded and click Install. Before you enable extension you must setup it first.
For plugins: Go to Extensions -> Plugins, find the desired plugin and open its settings. Setup accordingly and only then enable.
For modules: Go to Extensions -> Modules, find the desired module and open its settings. Setup accordingly and only then enable.
For components: Hover your mouse over Components menu item, find the desired component and go to Options page. Setup everything accordingly and don't forget to check Permissions tab.
License ID: Enter anything in License ID field, if it is present in extension options.
joomla, modules, ips community