Must have free Joomla extensions
A collection of our free Joomla 3.0+ extensions, which add neat and useful features to your site. Very easy to setup and install in two minutes, documentation not required at all. Just download and try for yourself.
Go to our demo site and look for particular extension. Click menu on top to browse available pages.
To see the backend demo click the button below and login (username: demo, password: demo).
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To download all free extensions in one package click the button below.
Modal System Messages
Replaces default Joomla system messages with modal windows and colorizes them depending on the message type. Window design can be easily styled via CSS to fit any template. Two different window layout for choosing.
Current version: 2.3.0
Extension type: Plugin
Load Custom CSS & JS
Adds a link to custom.css file for upgrade friendly styling of any back-end template. You can define any name for your file and it will be properly loaded. You wonder, why it is not default Joomla feature? We don't have the answer.
Current version: 2.0.2
Extension type: Plugin
Missing Tags and Meta
A simple module, which shows a list of articles without meta description, keywords or tags (for Joomla 3.2 and above). Very useful if you tend to give all your articles descriptions, keywords or tags, but sometimes forget to do so.
Current version: 2.2.0
Extension type: Module
Social Meta Tags
Automatically creates Open Graph (Facebook) and Twitter card meta tags for articles, ads or other kinds of pages from different content components. With OG and Twitter tags your articles will be properly parsed and displayed by social networks.
Current version: 1.0.0
Extension type: Plugin
Search by Tag
Displays article's meta keywords or tags (Joomla 3.2 and above) and uses Joomla default search to find articles with the same tags. You can define categories and articles, limit number of displayed tags, select tags position and more.
Current version: 2.2.0
Extension type: Plugin
Smart Sharing
Yet another content plugin for sharing articles into different social networks: Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus and VKontakte. You can choose a list of categories and select sharing section position. Big buttons, native colors, plain and simple.
Current version: 2.1.0
Extension type: Plugin
Pull Images
A simple plugin, which pulls images into any article from defined folder. You can set folder path, number of images, allowed file extensions, link title and enable lighbox for pulled images. The rest will be done automatically.
Current version: 1.0.0
Extension type: Plugin
Complete Profile
Forces users to complete their profile according to rules set. To change password on first login, enter different display name, if it equals username or empty, or select other username or email, if they don't match specified rules.
Current version: 2.3.1
Extension type: Plugin
Profile Activity for JomSocial
Fully automated plugin, which publishes profile updates in activity stream: "X updated his profile", "Y changed her avatar" etc. Plain and simple. Almost each and every social network has the same functionality.
Current version: 2.2.1
Extension type: Plugin
Profile Viewers for JomSocial
A simple plugin, which displays a list of JomSocial Community members, who've visited your profile. You might have seen the similar modules in other social networks like Odnoklassniki or different dating sites.
Current version: 2.2.0
Extension type: Plugin
Want more?
If you need to add a simple functionality to your site, drop us an email to We might create it for you.
Go to Extensions -> Manage -> Install page, upload distribution package you've previously downloaded and click Install. Before you enable extension you must setup it first.
For plugins: Go to Extensions -> Plugins, find the desired plugin and open its settings. Setup accordingly and only then enable.
For modules: Go to Extensions -> Modules, find the desired module and open its settings. Setup accordingly and only then enable.
For components: Hover your mouse over Components menu item, find the desired component and go to Options page. Setup everything accordingly and don't forget to check Permissions tab.
License ID: Enter anything in License ID field, if it is present in extension options.
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